Friday, August 21, 2015

The roller coaster

.Bekah will be 2-years-old in just a few days.  After a recent trip to the hospital we weren't sure if she would be home to celebrate.  She did so well in the hospital this time.  I've complained in the past that nothing is ever simple with her, but she breezed right through her six day stay and managed to get all of the nurses eating out of the palm of her hand.

 Early Saturday morning, I was awakened by the nurse shouting my name and the sound of the ventilator alarming.  I rushed out to discover the nurse responding to a semi-conscious Bekah.   We were rushed to Cedars Sinai where it was revealed that her left lung had completely collapsed.  She spent three days there under a strict regimen of chest physiotherapy and heavy medication.  When her lung opened up she was transferred to Kaiser, her medical home, to consult with her specialists.

Being at Cedars has its perks.  They want parents to stay in the room with the baby, so they provide you with three meals a day.  On the other hand, the place is a labirynth.  If you do leave the room, you are likely to get quite lost and with an unstable kiddo, the thought is terrifying.  Also, the windows are small so it's hard to gauge the passing of days and ICU psychosis sets in pretty quickly.  They are also woefully underprepared for trach/vent patients like Bekah.  They lack the very basics in both supplies and training.  I always have to be hyper vigilant when we're there.

Kaiser is better in some ways.  All the doctors and nurses know her well and they are experts in caring for trach/vent patients.  They don't feed you and the cafeteria is pricey, but the layout of the hospital is simple and the windows are much larger.  During extended stays, I usually go hungry because the cost of food is so high, but it's a small price to pay for excellent care.

This recent hospitalization was a "bounce back."  That's what they call it when the patient is home less than a month between admissions.  Her previous stay was much more terrifying.  We were there a month and I lost 15lbs.  Bekah lost much of her ability to move her arms and left the hospital addicted to a drug that is 100s of times stronger than street heroine.  She almost died and had to have a blood transfusion. Visit was prompted by the common cold.  Her weekend home nurse came to work sick and it devastated Bekah's delicate respiratory system.  The doctors couldn't get her stable so they had to sedate her for a week during which time a central line was placed.  This is sort of like a very deep i.v. that goes into the femoral vein.  This got infected with a resistant form of bacteria that spread throughout her body in a matter of hours.  Her blood pressure dropped so low, her heart was unable to pump blood to her extremities.  This is where the transfusion came in.  They had to increase her blood volume to ease the load on her heart and stabilize her.  She was on heavy antibiotics for a solid month.

Recovery is slow going.  She has stopped eating by mouth and lost a lot of the strength she had gained.  Fortunately, her physical and occupational therapists are optimistic.

We are looking forward to her second birthday and hope she will have at least a taste of her cake.  I will post her two year pictures in another entry.

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