Wednesday, November 18, 2015


I received an email from Bekah's geneticist.  He suspects she has a rare genetic disease called spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress type 1 or smard1 for short. In this disease the neurons that activate the muscles die in the spinal column never reaching the muscles.  There's a blood test for it, but the doctor is hesitant to test because only 30-60% are diagnosed.  He's having a conference with the othe geneticists to determine whether Bekah will review this test.

After receiving this news, I immediately turned to dr Google for more information. What I read floored me.  The progression of the disease read like one of the pages of this blog.  It was point by point accurate to Bekah's journey.  Here's the website I found most useful

I feel like we're closer to a true diagnosis than ever and I will push for the test.

In other news, Bekah is doing really well and eating by mouth like a champ. She's talking a lot and experimenting with new syllables, but no true words yet.

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